The Clunkster

american eagle outfitters

Remember Easter?

Outfit of the Day, StyleKristenComment

top (no longer being sold at American Eagle). leggings. sneakers. sunglasses.

Jeez Louise, doesn’t April feel like it was ten years ago? I’ve been seeing so many memes about the “Early Quarantine” era and it’s making me nostalgic for my family’s first quarantine holiday: Easter!

I know I’ve said it a million times before, but my mom is the absolute best. She’s insanely optimistic and will never let anything get her down. We usually have a lot of holidays with my extended family, like Easter, which we obviously weren’t able to have this year. Even though I love Easter, it’s kind of a cursed holiday for us. One year we had to cancel because I had the flu (yes, in April, I have questions too), the next year we had to cancel because my mom had a stomach bug, and this year everything was canceled because of Miss Rona. 

But never fear, Queen Doreen is here! She still cooked us a lovely meal, set the table with a table cloth, napkins, glasses, and candles, and put some of my stuffed animals in the extra seats at our table. We all got dressy and put makeup on, like the pre-quarantine days. She made the holiday special even though it was much different from previous years. 

I kept things simple with some leggings, a dressy shirt, and white Converse. This top is adorable, but I never wear it! I thought Easter would be the perfect occasion because of the flowery details. It was really nice to do a full face of makeup too. 

Even though we made Easter fun, I would really like to fully celebrate the rest of the holidays in 2020. So if everyone could please wear a mask and socially distance, that would be great! Thanks!!!

Princess Di Vibes

Outfit of the Day, StyleKristenComment

If you’re like me and have been spending an absurd amount of time on Instagram lately, you’ve most likely seen the myriad of posts about Princess Diana’s bike shorts and sweatshirt looks. Bike shorts have been becoming trendy for a while now, but I couldn’t find a pair I actually liked until recently. Now, I practically live in them. 

So when my dad got me this sweatshirt, I knew I’d be wearing it with my bike shorts allllll the time. It’s been one of my favorite looks on cooler days (on hot days too. I’m literally always in sweatshirts). 

This sweatshirt itself is an all-time favorite too. It’s ridiculously comfortable and pays homage to one of the greatest rock and roll venues ever. It’s also an awesome design. You all know how I feel about graphic tees, but I’ll make an exception for cool ones like this. 

The moral of the story is, it’s super easy to look like Princess Diana, and it’s even more badass when you’re wearing a metal shirt.

All Hail the Pant Leg Man

Outfit of the Day, StyleKristenComment

shirt (obviously from the Pant Leg Man, but this one is very similar). shorts. sneakers. sunglasses.

I post about this shirt a lot, but I think it’s important that I give some context as to how it came into my life. 

As you (hopefully) know by now, my parents and I are huge metal fans, especially my dad. About two years ago, we went to a Judas Priest concert at Nassau Coliseum. We were actually supposed to see them again at the Coliseum in September, but it got canceled. Not because of COVID, but because the venue is closing, which makes me super sad. I grew up going to concerts there.

But I digress. As we were leaving, there were the usual men standing outside selling Judas Priest tees, and my dad decided to buy me one. The man asked what size I wanted, and when I told him, he rolled up his pant legs, where various tees were hidden. He literally took it out of his pants. I bought a T-shirt from a man’s pants.

I think about that Pant Leg Man a lot. Without him, I wouldn’t have gotten one of my favorite shirts. One of my friends actually has a very similar shirt that he bought “officially,” and it’s fading and ripping. My shirt is doing just fine. 

That just goes to show you, always believe in the Pant Leg Man. 

minnie's rushing!

Outfit of the Day, StyleKristenComment

letters. shorts. sneakers. ears. perfume. sunglasses (use my code CLUNKSTER25 for 25% off your order!).

I’ve loved living back in New York for the past couple months. It’s so great to be with my family and my dog, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss Boston a whole lot, especially my sisters. Even when I graduated a little early, I was still super involved with my sorority, even having Initiation at my apartment and crashing their Bid Day celebration (love you!). 

But since I’ve been far away from my best friends, I’ve realized how much they really have my back from miles and miles away. Even though I’m not physically there with them, I still feel their love and support all the time. They truly are my family. 

When my best friend Kennedy and I went to Disney last March, my amazing, perfect Little, Victoria, made us matching letters. Yup, she MADE them! She’s so insanely talented, it blows my mind. These are hands down my favorite letters that I own. Whenever I wear them, I think of how grateful I am for my sisters who love me enough to take me to Disney and make me letters to celebrate. 

Kennedy and I wore them on our first full day at Disney, when we met a bunch of other sisters in Epcot! We drank strawberry mango margaritas in Mexico and I flipped out when we saw Figment, who is my favorite dragon in the entire world (sorry, Dragon Tales). I got blue light sickness from Mission Space, which Kennedy made a lot of fun of me for (“My eight-year-old niece went on this and wanted to go again!”), so we ended the night by watching The Bachelor in our hotel room while I stuffed my face with sushi.

It feels pretty cheesy ending this by saying to appreciate and love the people in your life, but it’s Thanksgiving week, so I can be as cheesy as I want! I love my sorority sisters more than anything, and if you’re reading this, I hope you have that kind of love in your life too.