The Clunkster

lip color

olive theory

Outfit of the Day, StyleKristenComment

shirt (similar). leggings. boots. lip crayon (in Outback Oasis). perfume. sunglasses (use my code CLUNKSTER25 for 25% off your order!).

Hey cuties! I hope your February is going well so far. My sorority sisters and I watched the Super Bowl together last night, and we had so much fun! I truly don’t know what I’d do without them. They made the most boring game in the world so funny.

This olive button-down shirt is one of my favorites, but as I say so often, I don’t wear it enough! I think it’s because one time I underestimated how heavy the fabric was and wore it on a way too hot day. I showed up somewhere and didn’t realize until later that I had the biggest pit stains! Now I make sure to wear it when I know I’ll be in a non-sweaty environment, which is pretty unpredictable. I can’t believe I just typed that sentence. I should start wearing it more this winter.

I wore my fleece-lined leggings and tan Timberlands, which I’ve been living in lately. I did some light makeup and straightened my hair. These glasses are from Sunice Glasses, too! They’re called The Club, and I love them so much. They’re similar to a pair of sunglasses I used to have that broke, may they rest in peace. Check out all of the sunglasses on Sunice’s website, and be sure to use my code, CLUNKSTER25, for 25% off your order! Then DM me and tell me which ones you got!!!

This week, I challenge you to wear something you haven’t worn in a while. If it doesn’t spark joy, Marie Kondo it! Have a great day!

everything i'm wearing is so soft

Outfit of the Day, StyleKristenComment

tank top (by Basil Lola). leggings. moccasins. perfume. lip crayon (in Outback Oasis).

Happy Memorial Day! Though it’s fun to appreciate the three-day weekend and sales, remember that every day is Memorial Day for people who have lost loved ones fighting for what they believe in. This day can be difficult for them, so remember to show them some love today!

I’ve been taking it easy before I start working for the summer, and I keep forgetting that I actually have stuff to do. It’s been a nice mental vacation, but I need to get back into the swing of things! Here’s a look I wore to go shopping a couple days ago.

Now that it’s nicer out, I can wear different things! This tank top is a hand-me-down from my cousin, and I love it. It’s super comfy and relatively casual, but the lace at the bottom just adds a little something extra. I wore my thinner leggings since temperatures are rising, and my Ugg moccasins that I haven’t worn in forever! I always forget just how comfy they are.

I did some pretty basic makeup, including my new obsession, my Burt's Bees lip crayon, and put my hair in a braided ponytail. I also wore Katy Perry’s Meow! perfume, which is one of my favorites by her. It smells just like cotton candy! I loooooove scents, so I’d love to start writing more about them here. Let me know if there are any perfumes you want me to review! I always love an excuse to buy things :’)


dress (no longer being sold by Camille La Vie). shoes (I don't remember I'm sorry!). eyeshadow palette. lip crayon. perfume.

dress (no longer being sold by Camille La Vie). shoes (I don't remember I'm sorry!). eyeshadow palette. lip crayon. perfume.

Happy Monday! It’s a brand new week, which means a week full of new opportunities! I know I keep saying it, but I’m seriously so happy it’s summer. Life is so much more fun when the sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and everyone has a bit less on their plates.

A couple weeks ago, my sorority had their Spring Formal! I love Formal because everyone gets extra gorgeous and it honestly makes me cry. This year’s theme was Old Hollywood, so everyone was looking so classically beautiful.

As soon as I got word of the theme, I thought of this dress. I saw it in the Prom issue of Seventeen a couple years back and fell in love. I bought it immediately, even though the only one left was two sizes too big and unable to be altered or returned! I ended up wearing it to my Junior Prom, even though it was a little big, and wore it again for my cousin’s wedding a couple years ago. Now that I’ve gained some weight and height, the dress fits me perfectly! I’m so happy I got to wear it again. I genuinely feel like a princess in this dress.

My shoes are also another blast from the past! I wore these to two Proms with a different dress. I loved them as soon as I saw them because they’re beautiful, classy, and dressy, but they’re not heels! I have knee problems, and heels really irritate them, so I try to go for classier flats. These are super comfy, and I don’t have to sacrifice style for comfort.

I kept my hair simple, just straightening it (it looked better before Formal, I took this pic after I got home!), and my makeup relatively simple, but glamorous. I contoured a lot more than usual, took extra time on my sparkly eye shadow, and bought a new lip crayon that I’ll post about soon! Spoiler alert: I’m obsessed.

Overall, the night was amazing! I had such a great time from beginning to end. This was the first year I was able to bring my boyfriend instead of just a date! He’s amazing and made the night twenty times better. Have you been to any ~fancy~ events recently? Let me know in the comments!