The Clunkster

makeup monday

Stupid Cupid

The Clunkster Cupid Makeup.jpg

Dear Reader, it’s been a while! Alas, I’ll spare you the details: work, tired, no time. Great, we’re all caught up! 

In the midst of this work, tired, no time cycle, I’ve somehow managed to become reacquainted with a single creative bone in my body for one whole day! Of course, I had to take advantage. What you see here is the result of a lot of time and even more glitter. Introducing, Cupid! 

I’ve been quite open about my distaste for certain holidays before, but Valentine’s Day is not one of them! I freakin’ love Valentine’s Day. My parents always went out of their way to make sure I knew that Valentine’s Day wasn’t just about romantic love, but family love, friend love, self love, pet love, and love in general. Since I’m everyone’s token optimist, I’m pretty much legally mandated to celebrate this holiday to the fullest.
But I realized that I’ve actually never done a Valentine’s Day look! And people in the makeup community (am I a part of the makeup community?) often overlook everyone’s favorite loverboy. 

So I had a good think about Cupid. I usually view him as sassy, clever, and mischievous. Does glitter fit into that anywhere? Yes. All of it. 

And so the next several hours were full of making Tik Toks and trying not to pop out of this costume that was entirely too tight on me (thanks quarantine!). And I gotta say, I’m pretty damn proud! What do you guys think? 

cruelty-free beauty! e.l.f. beautifully bare foundation serum

Beauty, Beauty Review, Cruelty-FreeKristenComment

Happy weekend! Every now and then when I run out of things, I grab something new for fun, or because I can’t find what I wanted. This instance was a bit of both! While I was looking for the e.l.f. foundation I usually use, I came across e.l.f.’s Beautifully Bare Foundation Serum, which looked pretty cool. Based on the packaging, I figured it was just a mineral-based foundation that was also SPF 25. I had never used a serum before!

This was definitely different than what I thought it was. I don’t know exactly how to explain it, to be honest. It’s thinner and runnier than a BB or CC cream, which was a surprise! I guess you could compare it to a tinted moisturizer or something, but don’t take my word on that because I’ve never used one of those either (I have a lot to explore hehe). I tried using my Milk Dab and Blend Applicator and it literally slid right off, which disappointed me a bit because I freakin’ love using that thing. I’ve found that the best way to apply this serum is to just use your fingers.

Even though this formula is super thin, this serum actually does a great job of acting as a foundation. It blends really well, and keeps my face looking natural and glowy. I can’t use it on my lips because it absorbs really quickly, but in general the coverage is great.

Unfortunately, I can’t really tell if the mineral/serum part is kicking in. My face has been a bit dry because of the harsh northeastern winter, and I’ve been breaking out a bit near my temples. It could be the serum, the fact that I’m applying it with my fingers, or something completely different.

Overall though, I recommend using this serum if that’s the sort of thing you’re looking for. Take a look through the reviews on the product’s page, which I linked above. Some people love it, and some people hate it! I say give it a try.  I’d definitely use this for a lowkey event or a ten-minute makeup look, but maybe not every day. If you’re interested in going cruelty-free, check out PETA’s Searchable Database and Cruelty-Free Kitty’s alphabetized list of cruelty-free brands. If you have any cruelty-free recommendations, please comment them below!