The Clunkster

new year's

happy new year!


To be honest, I don’t particularly enjoy New Year’s Eve. I never really have. It’s not like something absolutely horrible happened one New Year’s Eve that I’m traumatized from (even though my ex-boyfriend and I had a tendency to fight at least twenty minutes into every new year, yikes!), it’s just really not my favorite. I think it’s a little overrated. Everyone acts like something absolutely magical is going to happen at midnight. We count down and yell like a real-life unicorn is going to descend and tell us all the meaning of life. I truly don’t mean to sound cynical, but it’s all just a little silly. And though I’m the queen of silliness and meaningless fun, I’m just not a fan of the hype that surrounds this one holiday. 

I get super worked up over those end-of-year wrap-up articles that I don’t even want to go online! “The Best Movies of the Year,” “The Top Ten Craziest Moments in Pop Culture This Year,” “The Funniest Memes of 2019,” I just think it’s so pointless. I was there, I lived it! And now that it’s the end of the decade, forget about it. This is my last sleep of the entire decade. Is something going to be different tomorrow? Are we all going to turn into walruses? We only have three weeks until the end of the decade. What are YOU doing to make them count?

Why can’t we just make every day count? I know I sound cheesy, live every day like it’s your last! But really, what is the big difference between eating ice cream in 2019 and eating it in 2020? Do you feel different? Does it taste better? Did it ~change~ you? Why can’t we live every day like it’s that day, regardless of how far into the year we are? 

I guess it just bothers me that people treat the new year like someone hit a reset button when that isn’t the case at all. I hate to break it to you, but your problems from 2019 will follow you into 2020 unless you decide to let them go. Heck, your problems from November will follow you into December if you don’t let them go! That’s just the way life works (unless I am mistaken and if so please let me know). 

But I think that’s why I get so bothered by New Year’s resolutions too. I’m all about setting goals, but why do they have to wait for the new year? If you want to make a change in your life or set a different intention, why can’t you just do that now? A change in the year isn’t going to make you better or stronger or anything. You’re the only one who can do that! 

That being said, I’m not doing a 2019 roundup or anything like that. I’m gonna keep living my life to the fullest, like I always do. And you bet that involves partying my ass off with my parents tonight, who are planning on throwing an epic New Year’s Eve party. Maybe 2020 will be the year that I fall in love with this holiday, and maybe it won’t be! Whatever happens is fine with me. 

Don’t comment your resolution, comment your favorite place to get chicken nuggets. 

happy new year!

Outfit of the Day, StyleKristenComment

top (similar, mine is from Urban Outfitters). skirt (similar, mine is from dELiA*s). heels (similar). tights. lipstick (in glacé). perfume.

Happy 2019, my loves! 2018 was the year of apologies, so instead of apologizing for being MIA again, I’m going to promise to post more this year! Now that I’m a college graduate (just typing those words made me shiver), I’ll be using the time that I would usually be spending on homework on the blog! Please hold me to that promise.

I hope everyone had an awesome New Year’s Eve! I spent mine with friends that I haven’t seen in a long time, which made me really happy. I’m usually not a big fan of New Year’s Eve, so it was really nice to start the new year off right!

I’m also a huge fan of my New Year’s Eve look! I wore this black crop top and little black skirt, neither of which I’ve worn in a long time. It was nice to take them out for a spin! At first, I wanted to go super glamorous, but I ended up keeping things pretty lowkey. I straightened my hair and kept my makeup pretty neutral, except for my lip color, which was a darker pink. I’ll be sharing a review of it soon, so stay tuned!

What was your favorite memory from 2018? Let me know in the comments!

Happy New Year!

Outfit of the DayKristenComment

new setting! welcome to my apartment!

Happy New Year! It's finally 2018! This year, more than any other, I'm excited to move into a new chapter of life and leave this horrible year in the past. As far as the blog goes, I'm back, and I'm here to stay! Taking a semester off from The Clunkster has given me time to focus on myself and my schoolwork. The time to myself has given me more time to reflect on what exactly I want this to turn into, so I'm really excited to put some new ideas into motion. I started with a new layout, and I'm in love! It's something I've been wanting to do for a while, so I'm really happy I took the leap! 

My past couple New Years Eves have been pretty boring, so this year I took a trip back up to Boston for the weekend to ring in 2018 with my best friends! We had an amazing time. I'm so thankful for them. This outfit is courtesy of one of my best friends in the whole world, Nico, who gave me the shirt and skirt for Christmas! He told me he had a "vibe" in mind for me when he picked it out, and he really hit the nail right on the head. The crop top is sooooo comfortable! I love the way it fits me loose across the shoulders. The skirt also fit me perfectly. It's not a color I'd usually wear, but it was a fun risk to take! I was ridiculously comfortable, too. As always, I wore these spanx under my skirt. These pieces look great together, and I'm so excited to play with them in my wardrobe!

shirt (similar). skirt. stockings. booties (similar). sunglasses. lipgloss.

I finished the look off with some black stockings and my favorite black booties. I straightened my hair, and went to town with my makeup. I got a lot for Christmas (which I'll be posting about eventually hehe), so I've been playing around a lot! I used some darker gold and brown shades from Urban Decay's Naked3 palette on my eyes (I really wish I could tell you exactly which one but I honestly can't remember what I used!), put on a ton of mascara as usual, and finished off my eyes with some winged eyeliner. I've never known how to do a cat eye, and I've never felt the need to learn since I don't usually look good with eyeliner, but this eye look was really asking for it. 

I contoured my face (another new development!) with Too Faced's Cocoa Contour palette, and wore my Kat Von D Everlasting Liquid Lipstick in Sanctuary. I was SO happy with how my makeup turned out, really with how my entire look turned out. I felt hot, comfortable, and ready to ring in 2018! Stay tuned for lots more content from me, coming soon. Thanks for sticking around.