Sweater and Boots (no longer being sold at Primark). Jeans. Headband. Sunglasses (similar).
Another sweater! It really is sweater weather! Today, I wore one of my favorite sweaters that I bought at Primark last year. Fun fact, it’s men’s! It’s so comfortable and soooooo warm. I wore it with my blue jeans and work boots, which are also from Primark. I’m pretty sure I bought this sweater and these shoes at the same time.
For some reason, I really like the way this headband looks with this sweater. I think I just did it one day last year and really liked it, and it just stuck. I think this is more of a retro look, for reasons I don’t quite understand. It just kinda gives off that vibe.
My hair was technically straight, but it’s starting to get dirty and frizzy, which you can’t really tell with the headband. I love headbands, and hate washing my hair, so that works out well. My jewelry was also normal, except I didn’t wear a necklace again since again, you can’t even tell if I’m wearing one. My makeup is normal as well. Lately, it’s been a little lighter since I’m running out of foundation. I like it! I like this. I felt very good today.