Still haven't figured out how to make faces when posing! Someday!
Happy Memorial Day, y'all! I'd like to start this post off by thanking our military personnel for fighting hard for us. Also, my heart goes out to anyone who has lost someone special in the military. This day's for you!
Logically, I decided to flaunt my American pride by wearing red, white, and blue! Yes, I know that Memorial Day is technically tomorrow, but I have work and I wear a uniform. So I celebrated today instead! I started with some high-waisted dark blue skinny jeans. Then, I added the white crop top I posted about the other day. To be honest, I completely forgot it existed since I just bought it, so I'll be wearing it a lot more from now on.
Now, I just needed some red, which I don't really own! Since red is such a harsh color, I usually use it just to accessorize. It really makes things pop, especially with neutral colors like black or white. I wore my red Converse (that are actually clean since I don't wear them often!) and red sunglasses. I gave my hair a little pouf and threw it into a ponytail, a look that I love but I don't wear often enough. I was originally planning on tying a bandana around my head, but I decided against it. Looking back, I totally should've. Oh well! Maybe tomorrow.
I was also going back and forth on whether or not I should wear red lipstick. I didn't know if it would be too hot (because I'm totally the person who would wipe sweat off my face and spread it all over my chin), then I thought it would make my look too fancy, but my family and I were going to a Broadway show, and my outfit was just asking for it, let's be honest. For me, I'm not completely dressed and ready until I put on some sort of lipgloss or lipstick. I feel like it just pulls it all together, and honestly, lipstick makes me feel like a total badass, especially red lipstick. More on that here!
I wore my usual jewelry (my dogtag-ish necklace as a shout-out to the military!) but added two Alex and Anis: an anchor and the Disney castle. Two all-American things, right?
This outfit was super comfortable and perfect in today's heat. My dad wasn't really happy about me wearing a crop top, but whatever (whose dad is?). I love love LOVE the pinup girl look, which I think I emulated in today's outfit. I guess there's a hiiiiiiint of Rosie the Riveter in there somewhere? Let's pretend there is.
Once again, thanks to everyone we're celebrating on this Memorial Day.