Shirt. Shorts. Sneakers. Sunglasses (similar).
I had an amazing day today. I went to the city with my best friend and we talked about literally everything. I was really happy all day today, partly because of him, but also because of today’s look. I haven’t felt this hot in a long time, to be honest. I had something picked out last night, but when I put it on this morning, I just wasn’t feeling it. So, I pulled this together.
This shirt is another one of my cousin’s hand-me-downs that I absolutely love. It’s super soft and comfy but adorable! I chose to wear a crop top since it was super hot today and I was doing a lot of walking. I also wore my high waisted blue shorts since they looked really cute with the top. As always, I had the black vs. white Converse dilemma, and black just looked better.
A little risk I took today was with my hair, since I kept my hair, jewelry, and sunglasses normal. The other day, I saw a hot bartender wear her hair like this and I was inspired since it was hot and my hair was wavy. I really liked it, and I would love to wear my hair like this again! I wanna experiment with it curly, wavy, and straight. This actually did keep me a little bit cooler than just leaving my hair down would have. I think my hair really pulled the look together.
Though I had to dodge some wandering eyes today, I think this look was amazing. As I always say, if you feel good, you look good, and I definitely felt good showing off my body. I was comfortable in every way.