Shirt (no longer being sold by Xi Gamma Nu but make a donation here anyway). Shorts. Bralette. Sneakers. Sunglasses.
It's Sorority Sunday! This edition doesn't have any letters, but it's just as important to me. This past year, my sorority participated in a walk for the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation. To raise money, we sold these adorable t-shirts that I ended up turning into a tank top! Multiple Myeloma is a cancer formed by malignant plasma cells. One of the sisters in my sorority has been personally affected by it, and I'm so proud to say that Xi Gamma Nu was able to raise $5,800 in her mother's honor! This shirt represents how much my sisters support each other, and highlights one of the core values of Fraternity and Sorority Life that most people forget: Philanthropy!
I wore this tank with my new jean shorts, which I really love. They fit my butt perfectly, they're not too short, and they're not too long. I also wore my bralette and choker, as well as my white Converse to match the white and maroon aesthetic of the tank. This is really more of a lazy look for yet another hot day, which is why I'm not wearing makeup and have my hair in a very high top knot.
Click here to learn more about Multiple Myeloma and helping the cause!